Taming Technology Through Skills & Development: Connected Britain Panel Preview

By David Davies

The pace of technological development within the telecoms industry is blistering, and it can be a constant struggle for telecom operators to keep up and deliver product offerings that customers can make the most of while operating at scale. Getting this right requires empowering and upskilling customers, internal talent, and society at large. Anything less, and they risk falling behind the curve. 

Achieving this will be the topic of one of the four Cartesian-moderated panels at Connected Britain, “Taming Technology Through Skills and Development.” Moderated by Cartesian’s David Davies, the session will feature four industry leaders as they explore the challenges to workforce upskilling and the best strategies for improving this crucial process.  

Topic: Taming technology through Skills and Development   

Moderator: David Davies, Vice President, Cartesian 

Date: 11 September at 11:40   


  • Clare Mckee, Talent Lead, UKTIN / Business Engagement & Stakeholder Manager, WM5G
  • Colin Waterworth, Customer Engagement Director, Ge
  • Gori Yahaya, Chief Executive Officer, Upskill Universe 
  • Mark Leon Van De Velde, Sales Senior Director for UK&I, CommScope

Panel Key Questions: 

  • What are the fundamental strategies and resources necessary to empower the workforce to better equip itself for the adoption of new and emerging technologies? 
  • Are there UK professionals trained and equipped to advance new technological developments in the workplace? 
  • How is the government supporting businesses in upskilling their workforce? 
  • How can businesses evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of upskilling initiatives?

On the fence about attending this session? Here’s a quick preview of the key topics that the panel will discuss: 

The Rise Of AI  

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic these days, and generative AI is particularly well suited to the telecoms industry, where the challenges faced in customer engagement, network protection, and gaining business insights lend themselves well to its judicious application. More mundane automation and robotics serve a valuable purpose in streamlining and speeding up tasks such as orchestration and have enabled products such as Network as a Service (NaaS) to become a practical reality. 

Despite the boon that this technology has provided to companies engaged in building new, cutting-edge offerings for customers, the use of AI in improving individuals’ work has not been as widely embraced. There are several reasons for this, with concerns around security chief among them.  Here are a few reasons organizations avoid training their workforce on AI: 

  • Inability to measure the ROI: Training on AI or other emerging technology is harder to measure by the training teams of large organisations, where time saved as a metric is not given the same weight as eyeballs on a training course or professional certificates. 
  • Fear of skills leakage: Investing time in upskilling individuals carries the perceived risk that those people will be looking for the next role and taking their experience with them. 
  • Individual reluctance: There are concerns among end users that incorporating AI into their daily work could demonstrate that their job can be automated and therefore they are reluctant to engage and ‘train’ the model.

The panel will discuss methods and strategies for overcoming all of these objections to bolstering use of AI among your workforce. 

Attracting talented engineers from the next generation into the telecoms industry as the existing workforce ages and using technology training programs to benefit all of society will also be on the agenda for this exciting session. Don’t miss out! 

Want more insights into taming technology through skills and development? Secure your spot at Connected Britain, the UK’s largest digital economy conference, and make sure to sign up for the “Taming technology through skills and development” panel moderated by Cartesian’s David Davies. 

Sign up for the event today! 

How Can Cartesian Help Your Business Improve Technological Upskilling and Training? 

With over 30 years of telecom-specific experience, Cartesian has worked across the industry to help organisations build and implement new strategies to leverage emerging technologies to drive growth and innovation. 

Whether you’re attending the conference, or you are interested in learning more about adapting to and harnessing new technologies through skills and development, Cartesian can help your organisation every step of the way. 

Cartesian is ready to help you transform your products, services, and policies and shape the industry today and for years to come. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can support your organization.