Sustaining Excellence: The Control Phase in Telco Complaint Management

By Barry Eeles

Having defined, measured, analyzed, and improved the processes, we now begin the final phase, the Control phase. This is where a team solidifies gains, establishes processes, and ensures continued excellence within operations.

The Importance of Long-Term Sustainability

In the Control phase, focus is shifted from implementing solutions to maintaining those solutions and the improvements they have contributed to. It’s about embedding the changes into day-to-day operations and safeguarding against regression.

There are a few key areas to consider when in the Control phase:

1. Establishing Processes and Controls

Central to this phase is the establishment of processes and controls. New procedures should be recorded, documentation updated, and teams trained to ensure compliance. By standardizing practices, you can minimize variation and maintain consistency in service delivery.

2. Monitoring Performance and Key Metrics

This phase is also important for implementing mechanisms for monitoring performance and key metrics. Regular audits, performance reviews, and customer feedback loops help teams stay clued in to the state of operations. By tracking progress, you can quickly identify any deviations from the desired standards and take corrective action.

3. Continuous Improvement Culture

The Control phase is not just about maintaining status quo; it’s about fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Teams are encouraged to remain vigilant, to seek out opportunities for enhancement, and to embrace change as a catalyst for growth.

4. Empowering Frontline Teams

Empowering teams is critical to Six Sigma and specifically this phase within it. These individuals interact with customers daily, and their insights are invaluable. By soliciting feedback, providing training, and fostering a culture of ownership, you can ensure everyone is invested in ongoing success.

5. Celebrating Milestones and Successes

As we progress through the Control phase, it’s essential to celebrate milestones and successes. Recognizing achievements not only boosts morale but also reinforces the importance of efforts in driving excellence. It’s a time to reflect and to recommit the mission of delivering exceptional service.


The Control phase serves as the linchpin that holds everything together, making it just as important – if not more important – than any of the prior phases discussed. By establishing processes, monitoring performance, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, we ensure the sustained excellence with complaint operations.

How We Can Help

Contact Cartesian if you want to know more about how we can help apply the Six Sigma principals to your organization.