Gigabit Access
20-21 April 2021
A virtual event by Total Telecom
20 April 2021, 14:20-15:20
PANEL: Strategy & technology for gigabit cable
- The evolution of HFC networks
- Will DOCSIS 4.0 be a serious competitor to fibre?
- Competition and demand dynamics
Luk Bruynseels, VP Engineering, Telenet
Jeff Finkelstein, Chief Access Scientist, Cox Communications
Leo-Geert van den Berg, Director, Fixed Network, VodafoneZiggo
Moderator: Jaume Fornos, Principal, Cartesian
21 April 2021, 10:00 -11:00
KEYNOTE PANEL: Strategies for ensuring a greener and more sustainable network rollout
- Building more sustainable network infrastructure
- Ensuring environmental impact is a factor in decision making
- Which technologies are the most sustainable?
- What are the key factors to consider? E.g., power consumption, choice of materials, etc
Moderator: Michael Dargue, Vice President, Cartesian