Connected Britain 2021
21-22 September 2021
An in-person event being held at the Business Design Centre in London
Click here for the conference’s website
21 September, 14:20 BST
The Evolving Investment Landscape
Panel moderated by Michael Dargue, Vice President
- New investors and investment models
- How could the investment environment in the UK better incentivise rollouts?
21 September, 14:20 BST
Delivering the Right Technology Mix
Panel moderated by Scott Appleton, Engagement Manager
- Delivering the right technology mix for the countryside
- How can the UK optimise deployments in the rural context?
- The role of wireless technologies
21 September, 14:20 BST
How Are Emerging Technologies Enabling Faster Broadband Rollout?
Panel moderated by Vito Morawetz, Vice President
- How are emerging technologies enabling faster broadband rollout?
- Ensuring your workforce have the best tools
21 September, 15:10 BST
The Role of Smart City Innovations in Tackling Urban Challenges
Panel moderated by Redouane Ali, Management Consultant
- How can local authorities capitalise on the opportunity of technology to address key challenges?
- The role of the technologies such as the IoT, data analysis, AI in smart city deliveryn inp